Nov 4, 2009

Anders Parker's White Pine Wormwood Custom

A one-man operation in Burlington, VT, Creston Electric Instruments builds fairly traditional electric guitars, generally styled in the Fender tradition, but custom-designed according to each customer's expectations. Owner Creston Lea works with his clients throughout the entire process, resulting in highly personalized instruments and a body of work that reflects the pride and enjoyment he takes in his craft.

“I stress, more than anything, simplicity—almost to a ridiculous degree. I try to get everyone to pare down to one pickup and no knobs and then add as little as possible from there. It's a battle I don't mind losing, but I try to get people to think about utility and what actually makes a guitar a good guitar.”

Nov 3, 2009

Self Portrait

This Papercraft Self Portrait was Eric Testroete his Halloween costume last weekend. Eric is a 3D artist in the Vancouver game industryand he was inspired by the big-head mode seen in videogames. It was probably quite fun for him to do an offscreen project with his 3D skills. You can find more photos in this Flickr set.